These two beautiful baby dolphins are the first successfull dolphins to survive here at dolphins pacific.... Also good news we are expecting 1 to 2 babies this year, our family is getting bigger....
Momoroi was born on October, 18, 2010
Lebuu was born on December, 11, 2010
Here are the baby dolphins swimming with their mother... We have Layla and her son Lebuu, Roxy and her lovely little girl Momiroi swimming together..
This photo was taken by a diver that makes sure that our baby dolphins stay safe within their pools.. He is responsible of making sure that the nets are in good condition...
I want to give a special thanks to that diver, without him our dolphins would not have survive this long.
Here is Sherwin Foram diving about 8:30 in the morning checking the nets if they have any holes and making sure its in good shape before our customers come to do their program... Thank you for your hard work for keeping our dolphins safe.....